Nithari is a village which is situated in Noida (Uttar Pradesh), this place was famous in all over the country after the case verdict on the missing of women and children. In the year 2003, the first case was heard about the missing of a woman from Sector 31 near the water tank of Nithari Village, after that many cases were recorded for the missing of the women and children from this sector of Nithari Village.
Nithari is one of the most shocking and scary case of 2006, this case involves the commission of heinous crimes like sexual abuse, brutally murder and having sex with the dead body. This case came to the light after the continuation of the disappearances of the children from Nithari village in year 2005 and 2006.
Many FIRs launched in 2005:
In the year 2005, a 14year old girl named Rimpa was missing, her parents made several attempts of complaining a file of Missing of her daughter but Police didnt take any action on it.
In the same year March, some boys found a human skeleton in a drain tank which was located behind House no. D5 of Sector 31 in Nithari Village. The matter was informed to the police and police hide the case and announced that it was an animal carcass, this statement has been confirmed by Prosecution Witness under Section 23& 24 as evidence in court records.[1]
The Year 2006 Koli arrested:
The owner of Bungalow no. D5 of Sector 31 is Mr. Moninder Singh Pandher who is a businessman, lives alone, he gives employment opportunity to Surinder Koli as a Domestic House Helper and a Gardener named Maya Sarkar.
On 7 May 2006, the complaint was registered and police also took action, the girl named Payal went to House no.D5 of Sector 31, from where she didnt come back, her auto driver gave the news to her father, they were going for searching her but the Surinder Kohli a Domestic House Helper denied knowing about Payal.
Payals parents took an action and made several complaints of missing of her daughter, police didnt give a response and refuse to write a complaint, Payals father, Nand Lal approach Noida SSP for investigating the case, Noida SSP gave an order to an Inspector to register a complaint of her missing daughter and also take a quick action for investigating the case, with the help of SSP the Police department traced the Payals mobile phone and traced her location and also searched out a call log history in which Kohli a D5 domestic helper called her on that day when she was missing.
Police have found evidence for arresting of Surinder Kohli and the owner of Muninder Pandher, Police was not able to find out anything remarkable which could guide them to the whereabouts of Payal but the involvement of Koli in the case was evident.
The Intervention of Court and CBI:
On October 7, 2006, Nandlal approached the court, the court ordered to Police department to investigate a full case of Surinder Kohli and Muninder Pandher, because many cases of missing women and children were from that area of Muninder Pandher bungalow, the police have found a many plastics bags filled with human skeletons from the drain located behind the bungalow of Muninder Pandher.
Muninder Pandher and his servant got arrested by police on December 29, 2006, the police were investigating more and records of both the criminals but no such suspects came, the Uttar Pradesh government handed this case to CBI for more and proper investigation on January 11, 2007.
CBI was unable to find any evidence against Koli even after the 60 days of police custody, the CBI applied to the magistrate to record the Kolis statement, as Kolis stated that he is ready to give a statement, he states that he killed 9 Girl Children, 2 Male, and 5 Women along with he chopped the body into many pieces and also eaten them, and threw a remaining part in the drain at the behind of the bungalow.
As per the evidence, Surinder Koli killed the people in the drawing-room of Muninder Pandger Bungalow and then Suninder cooked the body part than they both eat the Body part.[2]
Judgments are given by the court:
On December 29, 2006, this Nithari case was lightened up by the court with the discovery of the skeletons and the victims get arrested by Police, the court also suspended two constables policemen, one SSP, Additional SP, 6 Sub-Inspectors because of there negligence and not doing proper duty.
The court also took a test report of Narcotics drug analysis test of both Muninder Pandher and Surinder Koli on 5 January 2007, the court gives the case to the CBI for more investigation, the CBI found more Skeleton near D5 Bungalow of Pandher, both victims were sent into the custody.
In the year 2009 February the court give justice to the public by awarding Capital Punishment to Surinder Koli for the rape case and also for the murder of 16 people with cruelty.
But in the year 2010, Kolis death sentence was stayed by the Supreme Court as the Right to Life is the right of all the people will be infringed.[3]
In the year 2014, the Koli was hanged in Meerut Jail, on July 24 this case was closed with providing justice to all the people by giving death sentence to both the victims.[4]
Nithari serial brutal killings are a painful reminder of the mysterious violence within all over the country. Both criminal rapist Moninder Pandher and Suninder Koli should be awarded a death penalty, which is hardly a deterent to any crime. Koli and Pandher mustnt be case studies in India sending its criminally insane to the gallows, but perhaps as test cases to assess patterns, desires, motives etc. in matters where forensic and criminal psychology run into a wall.
[1] NDTV articles
[3] Businesstodaynews2009
Author: Ritik Agrawal
Institute of Law, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Explicitly explained .
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