Date and Venue:
14th GIL National Moot Court Competition, 2024 shall be held on 9th -10th March, 2024.
Postal Address:
Geeta Institute of Law, Karhans, G T Road, Samalkha,
Panipat – 132101. Haryana, India
Contact: 7496954101
1.2 Eligibility:
The Competition is open for bonafide students pursuing 5 Year and 3 Years LL.B. Courses.
1.3 Language:
The language for the Competition shall be English only.
1.4 Team Composition:
Each team shall consist of three members (two speakers and one researcher). The researcher will only be allowed to argue instead of a speaker, with prior permission of the Dean- Geeta Institute of Law.
No cross institutional teams are allowed.
Only one team from every institution is allowed.
Clarifications to the Moot Proposition may be sought by sending an e-mail to on or before 17th February, 2024. Clarifications send after this date shall not be entertained.
The Oral rounds shall comprise of:
Preliminary Round (Two)
Quarter-Final Round
Semi-Final Round
Final Round
1.7 Accommodation:
The participants would be provided accommodation at the premises of the Institute/any other suitable premises during the competition. Please note that separate accommodation will be provided for girls and boys.
NOTE: We will not allow any additional Member for accommodation during the moot court competition.
1.8 Transportation:
Regular bus trips from the Campus would be scheduled by the Institute during the Moot Court Competition.
Pick and Drop facility would be given to the teams from Panipat only.
1.9 Dress Code:
The participants shall be in Formals inside the Court Room.
For Female(s):
White Salwar and Kurta along with Black Blazer and Black Shoes OR White Shirt and Black Trouser along with Black Tie, Black Blazer and Black Shoes.
For Male(s):
White Shirt and Black Trouser along with Black Tie, Black Blazer and Black Shoes.
2.1 Registration:
The teams should provisionally register through e-mail by sending a mail to (with subject “Provisional Registration for 14th GIL National Moot Court Competition, 2024 by 22nd January, 2024. Please mention your name, college name, contact details in provisional registration.”)
The soft copy of the registration form along with the demand draft/NEFT Details of Rs.5,500/-on or before 2nd February, 2024 drawn in the name of “Geeta Institute of Law”, payable at Panipat by sending a mail to
The hard copy of the Registration forms and demand draft shall be posted to the below mentioned address on or before 8th February, 2024.
The hard copy of Registration forms and demand draft shall be posted to: Dean,
Geeta Institute of Law, Karhans, G T Road, Samalkha,
Panipat –132101, Haryana, India
Contact: 74969-54101
No change in the names of the participants shall be permitted unless the same has been communicated to the Organizers of the moot court a week prior to the event.
No certificates shall be provided until the completion of the Competition. The same shall be provided only after the Valedictory Ceremony on 10th March 2024. Certificates shall not be posted to any team.
Each Team will be allotted a code after the Hard copy of Registration form and DD/ Payment have been received by Geeta Institute of Law.
2.2 Registration Fee:
Rs 5,500/- for each participating team consisting of 3 members. (With decent accommodation)
Mode of Payment
The mode of payment shall be Demand Draft/ NEFT/RTGS/IMPS transaction.
For Demand Draft-
The Demand Draft shall be drawn in the favor of “Geeta Institute of Law” payable at Panipat.
Bank Account Detail for NEFT/RTGS/IMPS Transaction:
Name- “Geeta Institute of Law”
Account Number: 13251450000062
IFSC Code: HDFC0001325
The following requirements for memorial must be strictly followed.
3.1 General Rules:
Each team must prepare memorials for both sides.
Once the memorials have been submitted, no revision, supplements or additions will be allowed.
One advance soft copy in PDF format must reach the organizers latest by 28th February, 2024 on
12 hard copies (6 copies from each side) of the memorials should reach the organizers latest by 4th March, 2024 at the aforementioned address.
Identity of the Institution should not be revealed anywhere in the memorial as well as in any Annexure. Violation of this provision will result in penalty including disqualification. The Organizer’s decision shall be final in this regard.
There should be no difference between Soft Copy and Hard Copy of Written Submission: The hard copy of written submission must be exact replica of the soft copy submitted with the Organizers. Any difference in the same will result in non-evaluation the memorial / disqualification from the Competition. Plagiarism of only up to 15% is allowed, exceeding which can lead to negative marking.
Note: Memorials submitted after 4th March, 2024 shall not be considered for evaluation.
3.2 Format of Memorials:
Written submissions shall be printed on white standard A4 size paper.
The font and size of the text used in all parts of the written submissions (except the covers) shall be in Times New Roman, size 12 & line spacing 1.5. The font of the footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, size 10.
Memorials should have one inch margin on all sides of each page.
The Colour of the cover page must be Blue in case of Appellant/Petitioner and Red in case of Respondent.
Body of Memorial shall include:
The Cover Page: The cover page shall contain the case title, side of the written submission, Name & Year of competition, and team Code on top right corner;
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Index of Authorities
Statement of Jurisdiction
Statement of Facts
Statement of Issues
Summary of Arguments
Arguments advanced/detailed arguments.
Compendium, if any
Exhibits (Optional)
Memorials should be in spiral binding.
Pages should be numbered at the bottom middle.
The memorial shall not contain any photographs/sketches.
Criteria for Memorial Evaluation:
The evaluation will be done on the following parameters:
Knowledge of Facts and Law: 25 marks
Extent and Use of research: 25 marks
Proper and Articulate Analysis: 20 marks
Clarity and Organization: 10 marks
Correct Format and Citation: 10 marks
Grammar and Language: 10 Marks
Note: All memorials received within time schedule will be evaluated by the Memorial Evaluation Committee (MEC) to be constituted by the Convener of the Moot Court Competition and Dean, Geeta Institute of Law.
4.1 General Procedure:
The Researcher needs to be present with the speakers during all the rounds.
The Researcher shall not be permitted to address the Court during the Oral Rounds. The Researcher may however, be permitted to pass notes to the Speakers at the discretion of the Judges. Such notes shall be passed through the court clerks present in the court room.
The use of mobile phones, laptops, or any other electronic gadget is strictly prohibited during the Oral Rounds, subject to the discretion of the judges.
Participants may use their own bare acts, printouts and commentaries provided that anonymity is not violated during the Rounds.
The decision of the Judges as to the marks allotted to each team shall be final and binding.
The Competition shall consist of the following rounds:
Preliminary Round (Two);
4.2 Preliminary Round (s):
Registration, Orientation and Draw of Lots will be held on 9th March, 2024 and the teams are requested that in all probability to kindly report the venue in time as per the time schedule. Moot Court Society (MCS) retains the right to choose if the team is not present during registration.
Preliminary rounds will be held on 9th March, 2024.
Every team shall argue twice in the Preliminary Rounds, once for the Appellant/Petitioner and once for the Respondent/Defense.
No two teams shall face each other more than once in the Preliminary Rounds. However, such team may face each other in the Quarter Finals/ Semi Finals/ Final Rounds, subject to their qualification.
Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 to remain the same throughout the competition.
Top eight teams shall qualify to the quarterfinal rounds. The qualification to the Quarter finals will be based on:
On the basis of Total Aggregate Score in the preliminary rounds (Both Round).
The top eight teams with higher aggregate score in both preliminary rounds will qualify for the quarter final rounds.
The aggregate score of a team shall be computed as the total of-Oral Score of Speaker 1; and Oral Score of Speaker 2 in both Preliminary Rounds.
In case of a tie in score, team with more number of wins in preliminary rounds will qualify for the quarterfinals.
Further, in case of a tie in score as well as in number of wins, memorial marks of two teams will be considered.
In the exceptional case of a tie in all of the above the qualification of team will be based on draw of lots/ by toss of coin.
The Best Speaker (male) and the Best Speaker (Female) Award will be awarded on the basis of the scores awarded to the individual Speakers in the Preliminary Rounds. Individual Aggregate Score shall be determined as the sum of the following:
Score of Speaker in Preliminary Round I;
Score of Speaker in Preliminary Round II.
Teams will be provided with their opponent team’s memorials after the conclusion of draw of lots.
Return of the other side’s memorial immediately after the preliminary round to the Court- clerks is compulsory.
Quarter Final Round:
Quarter Final Round shall take place on 10th March, 2024.
The teams will be provided with their opponent’s memorial after the declaration of preliminary results and the draw of lots for the Quarter Final Round.
Quarter Final Round shall be knock out round.
The Winners of the Quarter-final shall advance to the Semi-finals.
Semi Final Round
The Semi Final Round shall be held on 10th March, 2024.
Semi Final Round shall be knockout round.
Final Round
The Final Round shall be held on 10th March, 2024.
Final Round shall be knock out round.
Time Scheme for Oral Rounds
At the commencement of each session the team shall notify the Court Clerk as to the division of time between the 2 speakers (including rebuttal/sur-rebuttal) 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the Rounds.
Preliminary Rounds and Quarter Final Rounds
Each side shall get a maximum time of 30 minutes to present their arguments of which no Speaker shall be permitted to address the Court for more than 18 minutes. The time limit is inclusive of the time for Rebuttal or Sur-rebuttal respectively.
The maximum time for Rebuttal is 2 minutes and the maximum time for Sur-rebuttalis1minute.
Each speaker is required to speak for a minimum of 12 minutes exclusive of time taken for Rebuttals and Sur- rebuttals.
Semi Final Rounds
Each side shall get a maximum time of 45 minutes to present their arguments of which no Speaker shall be permitted to address the Court for more than 25 minutes. The time limit is inclusive of the time for Rebuttal or Sur-rebuttal respectively.
The maximum time for Rebuttal is 5 minutes and the maximum time for Sur-rebuttal is 2 minutes.
Each speaker is required to speak for a minimum of 20 minutes exclusive of time taken for Rebuttals and Sur-rebuttals
C. Final Round
The maximum time for arguments per side shall be the same as in the Semi-finals. The Winner of the Final Round shall be declared the Winner of the Competition.
4.7 Anonymity
Student Counsel may introduce him/herself to the court in the usual manner and may also state their names. However, the name of the institution shall not be indicated to the judges at any time.
Further, all team members shall refrain from identifying a team’s college at any time and in any manner, including, but not limited to, wearing any identifying items (such as college clothing, ties, patches, or pins) or carrying identifying material (such as books with a college logo or college seal etc.)
Any revelation of college/institution/university name shall be made at team’s own risk. No related complaints will be entertained thereafter.
4.8 Marking Criteria for Oral Rounds
Maximum scores for the court rounds will be 100 marks per speaker. The court rounds will be judged on the following parameters:
Knowledge of Facts and law: 20 marks
Application of law to Facts: 15 marks
Extent and Use of Research: 15 marks
Ingenuity and Ability to Answers questions: 10 marks
Grammar, Style, Poise, Court Etiquettes and Demeanor: 10 marks
Proper and Articulate
Analysis: 10 marks
Time Management: 10 marks
Clarity and Organization: 10 marks
4.9 Scouting
Teams will not be allowed to observe/sit the oral round of any other team till the time the team is declared to have advanced to the next round. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by any of the teams will result in disqualification.
Any team can file a written complaint with the Organizers, regarding a case of scouting. The decision of the Organizers will be final.
The researchers shall sit with the speakers at the time of the oral round and shall not attend the court sessions of any other team participating in the competition.
The Researcher’s Test shall be conducted on 9th March, 2024.
In a team consisting of three members, the member designated as Researcher shall take part in the test.
Participants are requested to write only the Team Code on the question paper.
The Researcher’s Test shall be objective as well as subjective with the questions based on the applicable law, precedents and facts pertaining to the Moot Problem.
The duration of the Researcher’s Test shall be 30 minutes.
The use of mobile phones, laptops, or any other electronic gadgets/written material is strictly prohibited during the Researcher Test.
Score of the Researcher’s Test shall be computed as the total score in Researcher’s test.
The Winner of the Test shall be determined on the basis of highest score attained.
NOTE: The Speakers of any team will not be allowed to sit in the Researcher Test in any case.
Winning Team:
Winner Trophy Award
Cash Prize of Rs. 31000/-
Runner up Team Award
Runner up Trophy Award
Cash Prize of Rs. 15000/-
Teams qualifying for Semi-finals
Each Team member shall be awarded with a trophy as a token of appreciation.
Best Memorial Award
Rs.3100/- with trophy
Second Best Memorial Award
Rs.2100/- with trophy
Best Speaker (Male) Award
Rs.3100/-with trophy
Best Speaker (Female) Award
Rs.3100/- with trophy
Best Researcher Award
Rs.3100/- with trophy
*All the Participants will get participation certificates post the Valedictory Ceremony
7.1 General Etiquette:
The participants are expected to behave in a dignified manner and not to cause any unnecessary inconvenience to the organizers. Distance to the Judges during the Moot Court Competition is to be maintained within and outside the Court room.
The Organizers reserve the right to take appropriate action for any unethical, unprofessional and immoral conduct.
7.2 Interpretation of the Rules:
The Organizer’s decision as regards the interpretation of rules or any other matter related to the competition will be final.
If there is any situation, which is not contemplated in the rules, the Organizer’s decision on the same shall be final.
The Organizer’s reserve the right to vary, alter, modify, or repeal any of the above rules if so required and as they may deem appropriate at any time during the competition.
Any dispute arising in the moot court rooms during the rounds would be at the discretion of the presiding officer of the respective court room.
In any kind of conflict, the decision of the Dean, Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat would be final.
Moot Brochure.
Faculty Conveners:
Ms. Akansha
Ms. Nishtha
Student Convenors:
Vasu: 87086-55507
Chetna: 74048-21734
Nischay: 97294-19448